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MSCI-MIN - Materials Science and Engineering Minor

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Materials Science and Engineering Minor




Minor in Materials Science and Engineering (MSCI)

Students must complete fifteen (15) semester hours of coursework related to materials science and engineering including:

ME 3010 - Materials and Processes in Manufacturing Credit: 3.

And a minimum of six (6) hours from the following three courses:

CEE 3030 - Civil Engineering Materials Credit: 3.

CHE 4330 (5330) - Polymer Engineering Credit: 3.

ECE 3540 - Physical Electronics Credit: 3.

And three (3) to six (6) hours from the following:

CEE 4600 (5600) - Civil Engineering Materials II Credit: 3.

CHE 4340 - Introduction to Rheology Credit: 3.

CHEM 2010 - Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry Credit: 3.

CHEM 3005 - Elementary Organic Chemistry Credit: 4. or CHEM 3010 - Organic Chemistry I Credit: 4.

CHEM 3500 - Elements of Physical Chemistry Credit: 3. or CHEM 3510 - Physical Chemistry I Credit: 4.

CHE 3010 - Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes Credit: 3. or ME 3210 - Thermodynamics I Credit: 3.

ME 4460 (5460) - Mechanical Properties of Materials Credit: 3.

ME 4480 (5480) - Microstructural Analysis Credit: 3.

ME 4490 (5490) - Properties and Selection of Engineering Materials Credit: 3.

Approved Special Problems coursework.


Six (6) credits of prerequisites, CEE 2110 and CEE 3110, are required to proceed with the minor. These courses are commonly taken within the College of Engineering and may be taken by any engineering student (CEE, CHE, ECE, ME) as required or elective courses in the respective curricula. As such these courses are not included in the minor. Dr. Ben Mohr (CEE) and Dr. Chris Wilson (GBE) will serve as "Chair" for administrative purposes of this minor, in the event of course substitutions and/or curricular changes.