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Academic Standards

Tennessee Technological University expects all students to strive for the highest academic achievement of which they are capable. Knowing that grades, once obtained, become a permanent record, the University is desirous that grades truly represent student accomplishment. A quality point average (QPA) of 2.00 is required to be eligible for the baccalaureate degree. This means that a 2.00 QPA is required over all college work taken, for all courses taken at Tennessee Tech, and for all courses taken in the major field.

It is the intention of the University to give the student ample opportunity to demonstrate satisfactory work. To achieve this purpose, a graduated retention standard scale has been adopted. A student who desires to raise his or her quality point average is encouraged to repeat courses in which he or she has unsatisfactory grades, to consider a reduced load, and to evaluate the choice of major.

Warning. Students who fail to satisfy the minimum semester QPA standard as given in (column 2, Retention Table) will be placed on academic warning. Students who have been issued an academic warning and who fail to meet the minimum semester QPA standard (column 2, Retention Table) the next semester enrolled will be placed on academic probation. In cases where, concurrently, the semester QPA would indicate academic warning and the cumulative QPA would dictate academic probation, the student will be placed on probation.

Probation. Students who fail to maintain the cumulative or current quality point average required for unconditioned retention are placed on probation. This indicates that the quality of work performed is not satisfactory and the student is in danger of suspension unless his/her achievement shows the required improvement.

A student on probation must not enroll in more than sixteen hours and must remove the probation status the next enrolled semester by exceeding the requirements of the Academic Retention Table. A student on probation that meets the semester average requirement but does not equal the cumulative requirement of the Academic Retention Table will continue on probation.

Suspension. Any student who has been placed on probation and who fails to meet both the required cumulative QPA standard (column 1, Retention Table) and semester QPA standard (column 2, Retention Table) the next semester enrolled will be suspended for a minimum of one semester. The summer term may not be counted as the term of suspension. The only exception to the previous statement is that a student placed on probation and who earns a semester QPA of at least 2.0 (or required minimum semester QPA) the next term enrolled, but who does not raise his/her QPA to the required cumulative QPA standard (column 1), will remain on probation. A student on probation who receives grades of only “S” and/or “W” will incur academic suspension, due to the fact that his/her QPA did not meet the semester QPA standard (column 2, Retention Table).  A student suspended for a second time must remain out of school for one calendar year. If a student is suspended a third time, the student will be denied enrollment in the University for a period of two calendar years. The student may wish to enroll at a community college during that time. If a student remains out of school for four years, the student is eligible to apply for “Academic Fresh Start,” which allows the student to begin a brand new academic career.

Retention Table (Effective Fall 2010)

Cumulative Quality Hours Attempted Minus First Repeats

Required Minimum Cumulative Quality Point Average (Column 1)

Required Minimum Semester Quality Point Average (Column 2)

0.0 - 29.09



29.10 - 50.09



50.10 - and above




Readmission After Suspension. A student suspended for the first time will be accepted for readmission after one full fall or spring semester away from all institutions of higher education. The student must apply for readmission at Readmission to the institution is subject to satisfactory performance at previous institutions if the student chooses to enroll at another institution while away from the University. A student applying for readmission after a second or third suspension should follow the procedure listed below AFTER being away from the University for one calendar year for a second suspension and two calendar years for a third suspension. An exception to this required leave may be made for the student who completes an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree in a university parallel curriculum at a community college in the interim.

  1. Student must submit the “Readmission after Suspension” form at least ten days prior to the beginning of the semester. International students need to apply six weeks before the beginning of the semester.

  2. Student must provide any supporting documents or current academic transcripts to accompany the readmission application.

  3. Student may personally explain to the Dean (or his/her designee) of his/her college the reasons for seeking readmission.

  4. The readmission application and dean’s/designee’s recommendation will be considered by the University Admissions and Credits Committee.

  5. Student will be notified by mail or email from the Office of Admissions about the status of the readmission application and the terms of readmission, if granted.

Appeal. A student may appeal part or all of his/her required leave from the University by completing the “Readmission after Suspension” application process at least ten days (or six weeks for international students) prior to the desired term of enrollment. During the appeal process, most of the suspensions are upheld with exceptions being made only when rare extenuating circumstances exist. The Admissions and Credits Committee will usually require the student to wait one semester before he or she can be readmitted.