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Registration is available to all formally admitted students and consists of four steps, advisement, enrollment in courses, conformation of enrollment and payment of fees. A student must be registered to attend classes.

Before you can register, you must have met with your advisor, received an advisement sheet, and determined the 5-digit Course Registration Numbers (CRNs) for your classes. Your advisor will tell you your registration time and give you your Alternate PIN. You can log on and register on or after your appointment time only. 

Registration appointment times are assigned per classification/earned hours:


Classification (based on earned hours)

1st (early)

 Graduate students and any eligible, qualifying students*


Seniors and Freshmen





* “Early” or “Priority” registration is reserved only for graduate students as well as any student that has a non-flexible time commitment to the University. Students with a non-flexible time commitment to the University are considered qualifying/eligible versus those who also have a time commitment to the University, but who’s time commitment is flexible, meaning the needs of the University do not come before the student’s course schedule. Athletes, student Veterans, students registered with Disability Services, Honors students, and tour guides are considered eligible for early/priority registration as those students must schedule classes around the University’s needs. Tutors, work study students, etc. do not qualify as their work schedules and/or commitment with the University are flexible to the student’s scheduled courses; the student can fulfill his/her work obligations around his/her courses. To receive “early/priority” registration, qualifying students must have their T numbers submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the appropriate office granting early registration during the specified time frame in the semester-based communication the Registrar’s office sends out prior to each registration period.

Please click here for detailed instructions for completing registration.

Registration Holds. A student may not have finalized all University requirements which results in a registration hold. This “hold” locks the registration process and the student is required to report to the appropriate office before registering to have the hold removed. A student may view their registration holds, if any, by accessing Student Records, then View Holds under the Registration Menu on Eagle Online.

Late Registration. Registration is not complete until all fees for the semester have been paid. See for fee payment/confirmation instructions. A $100 nonrefundable fee will be charged during the entire late registration period as announced in the University Online Calendar.

Change of Schedule. A student may add a course via Eagle Online until the seventh calendar day of the semester. To add a course after the 7th calendar day, the student may select the Electronic Add/Drop Form Request link in Eagle Online to add a course. More information can be found on the Registration webpage

Dropping a Course. A student may drop a full-term course without receiving a grade during the first 14 calendar days of any term that is longer than seven weeks. For terms shorter than seven weeks, the first seven days will be utilized. A student may drop a course with the grade of “W”,  beginning the 15th day of the semester through the 11th week for Fall and Spring semesters. The last day to drop with a “W” for Summer semester will be the 47th day (full term) or the 23rd day (1st and 2nd terms). All students must have advisor approval on the Electronic Add/Drop Request form in Eagle Online for the request to be processed. In addition, all students dropping any chemistry course with a lab will need to obtain the chemistry chair’s approval on said electronic form.  (See the online calendar’s academic schedule for “Last day to drop with grade of W.”) In addition to advisor’s approval, athletes must also get approval from their athletic advisor, to drop or add any course after the 14th day of class. International students dropping any course must also get approval from the Office of International Education. All approvals are coordinated online without any action from the student, aside from submitting the Electronic Add/Drop Form Request. 

After the last day to drop with a “W” grade, a student may drop a course(s) only after having established the existence of extenuating, unavoidable circumstances

A complete request must include and meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrate a direct cause and effect relationship between the extenuating circumstance and the student’s ability to successfully comply with University policy;

  • Circumstances should only be considered unforeseeable/unavoidable and could not have been reasonably prevented during the time period of issue;

  • Must be completed, signed and dated in its entirety;

  • Provide a typed, detailed personal statement (please limit to one page); and

  • Include relevant supporting documentation of circumstance as stated above that pertains to the time period at issue. Relevant documentation can be furnished only from an appropriate authority to support the claim.  Documentation should be signed and on official letterhead of the issuing authority and include the contact information for said authority. Please see examples of acceptable reasons/documentation below.

Requests submitted without valid or sufficient documentation will be automatically denied and closed, but may be reopened once required/sufficient documentation is received by the Office of the Registrar.


Acceptable, Relevant and Supporting Documentation

Medical Issue

A signed letter from physician/medical provider stating: 1.) the date(s) of the onset and duration of the condition and 2.) how the condition impaired your ability to continue/complete courses. Please do NOT send medical records/bills/receipts or a list of prescriptions.

Military Duty

Deployment Orders/PCS Orders/TDY Orders; Memo from Commanding Officer to address issues not covered by military orders. Generally we require memos from 0-5s and above.

Death of Immediate Family Member

Death certificate or obituary. The submitted documentation must show date of death and family relationship.

***Please note, poor grades and change in major do not constitute extenuating circumstance. 


A student can withdraw from the university ( withdraw from “ALL” courses) until the last day of classes and receive “W” grades by submitting the Request for University Withdrawal

A student who is officially registered in a course and who fails to attend a class will receive a grade of “NF.” A grade of “NF” is treated the same as an “F” when calculating GPA. One who discontinues attendance without official withdrawal will receive a grade of “F” in the course.

A course is not officially removed from a student’s schedule until an Electronic Add/Drop Form Request is completed via Eagle Online, all approvals are made on the electronic request, and processed by the Registrar’s Office. 

Official Enrollment. Credit will be granted only for courses that appear on the student’s official academic record.

New Student Orientation and Registration. All new freshman and transfer students will complete orientation and registration as shown in the University Calendar.

Freshman and Sophomore English. Students are encouraged to register for the required courses in English for each consecutive semester enrolled, except the summer term, until the requirement of ENGL 1010, ENGL 1020, and ENGL 2130, ENGL 2235 or ENGL 2330 is met.

American History. All undergraduate students, except those majoring in engineering, are required to earn 6 hours of American History (HIST 2010-HIST 2020) at Tennessee Technological University or to present acceptable college transfer credits. All undergraduate students, including engineering students, who have not completed one unit of American History at the high school level, or 6 hours of American History in previous college work, must satisfy this requirement. International undergraduate students must complete any additional ESL support coursework from FLS international or pass the English Placement Test prior to enrolling in American History. Other undergraduate students will satisfy the requirement as prescribed in the various curricula in the University Catalog.