UG Requirements
Each student is personally responsible for completing all requirements established for his or her degree by the University, college, and department. It is the student’s responsibility to inform himself or herself of these requirements. A student’s advisor may not assume these responsibilities. Any substitution, waiver, or exemption from any established requirement or academic standard may be accomplished only with appropriate approval.
In addition to the requirements listed below, other requirements for a given degree and major may be determined by consulting the portion of the catalog devoted to the particular college or school offering the degree. International students must fulfill all requirements but should consult the special provisions described in Admission of International Students: Undergraduate Study of this catalog.
General Education Requirements: 41 semester hours selected from General Education Courses in 6 categories.
General education, the foundation of the undergraduate collegiate experience, encompasses the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that are obtained from studies in communication, mathematics, social and natural sciences, and humanities. General education is unbounded by academic disciplines and honors the relationships among bodies of knowledge. General education develops the cognitive process of reasoning essential for effective functioning and self-directed learning. General education provides opportunities for the student:to think logically, critically, and creatively;
to communicate effectively both orally and in writing;
to read extensively and perceptively;
to explore moral and aesthetic values, social relationships, and critical thinking through the humanities;
to understand the importance of key social institutions, ethics and values, and how individuals influence events and function with others in these institutions throughout the world;
to appreciate creative and aesthetic expressions along with their impact on individuals and cultures;
to express, define, and logically explore questions about the world through mathematics;
to use computer technology to communicate and to solve problems;
to use acquired facts, concepts, and principles of the physical and natural sciences in applying the scientific process to natural phenomena;
to perceive the importance of wellness and values in human life;
to manifest a commitment to life long learning.
| These outcomes will be acquired in the general education requirements with additional depth obtained in the curriculum of the major and through participation in extracurricular activities.
The Tennessee Tech University general education core curriculum consists of forty-one (41) semester hours for the baccalaureate degrees. The courses comprising the general education curriculum are contained within the following subject categories: Baccalaureate Degrees* | ||
| Communication | 9 hours** | |
| Humanities and/or Fine Arts | 9 hours | |
| (At least one course must be in literature.) |
| Social/Behavioral Sciences | 6 hours | |
| History | 6 hours*** | |
| Natural Sciences | 8 hours | |
| Mathematics | 3 hours | |
| Total | 41 hours |
| ||
| *Foreign language courses are an additional requirement for Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree **Six hours of English Composition and three hours in English oral presentational communication are required. ***Students who plan to transfer to Tennessee public universities should take six hours of United States History (three hours of Tennessee History may substitute). Students who plan to transfer to University of Tennessee System universities or to out-of-state or private universities should check requirements and take the appropriate courses. Although the courses designated by Tennessee public institutions to fulfill the requirements of the general education subject categories vary, transfer of the courses is assured through the following means:
Special course requirements:
English is recommended to be taken each semester, except the summer, until this requirement is completed. Correspondence credit in ENGL 1010-ENGL 1020 will not be accepted.
The prerequisite for ENGL 1020 is a grade of C or better in ENGL 1010, and the prerequisite for a 2000-level English course is a grade of C or better in ENGL 1020. If a transfer student has completed two semesters of composition and has a grade of D in ENGL 1020, then the student must repeat ENGL 1020 before beginning the literature courses. ESL classes do not satisfy the ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020 communication requirement of the general education core, nor do these courses count toward any degree requirements.
All students must complete six hours of American History except those students who are majoring in Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, General and Mechanical Engineering. If the student has not completed one unit of American History in high school, the student will be required to complete 6 semester hours of American History for the deficiency.
Completion of the curriculum for the major subject and degree chosen, as outlined under the department in which the major is offered. A major is outlined under the chosen curricula and must contain at least 6 hours of 3000 or 4000 level in residence at Tennessee Technological University.
A minimum of 120 semester hours including 36 hours of 3000 and 4000 level upper-division credit approved courses are required for a baccalaureate degree. Not more than 60 semester hours may be earned by correspondence, workshop or extension, or by a combination of these and special examination. Not more than 12 semester hours in music ensembles, Physical Education 1010-1990, and Military Science activity courses may be counted toward graduation. (Not more than 12 semester hours of credit in activity courses may be counted toward the Bachelor’s degree requirement.) A student transferring credit from a two-year institution must complete a minimum of 50 semester hours at a four-year institution.
All courses required for the major must be passed with at least a “D, ” unless otherwise specified, on the final attempt if the student does not withdraw from the course.
A general quality point average of 2.0 (C) and a general average of 2.0 in the courses offered in the major subject. Transfer students also must attain at Tennessee Technological University a general average of 2.0 and an average of 2.0 in the courses taken in the major subject.
Residence: To meet the residence requirements, a student must complete at least 25 percent of the credit for the degree requirements including a minimum of 24 semester hours of 3000 and 4000 level course credit at Tennessee Technological University.
Students who are majoring in another field but are taking course work in the College of Business must limit credit for the degree in business courses to 30 hours for the 120 hour degree as limited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
Definition of Minors: A minor is 15 hours. A student may elect to complete more than one minor.
A minor in any specific discipline in the College of Arts and Sciences must include 6 Upper Division hours. A minor in English may not include ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1020. A minor in Mathematics must include MATH 1910 and MATH 1920 and it may not include a course numbered below MATH 1910.
A minor for Arts and Sciences students requires the completion of 15 semester hours, including 6 upper-division hours, in a coherent program of study. The criterion of coherence may be met in either of two ways: (1) by following the minor curriculum prescribed by any department or college at TTU, so long as it includes at least 6 upper-division hours; (2) if such a minor curriculum is not available in the chosen department or college, by taking the 15 semester hours, including 6 at the upper division, in a single discipline—i.e., normally, courses with the same course prefix, but students should check with the department offering the minor before assuming this. Exception: A minor in physics will consist of at least 15 hours of coursework including PHYS 2110, PHYS 2120, PHYS 2420, PHYS 2920 and one upper division physics course.A minor in Art or Music may contain no more than 4 hours of individual instruction, ensemble, or activity courses.
Exams for teaching licensure: All students, irrespective of the College or School in which enrolled, who will have completed licensure requirements for teacher education as a part of the total hours required for graduation must consult with the Office of Teacher Education for a list of the appropriate state-required specialty area examination(s).
Catalog to follow: To graduate, a student meets the requirements of the catalog effective at the time he or she entered the curriculum, provided graduation is within seven years from that entrance date, or the catalog in effect at the time of graduation. If a student is out of the university at least one full year, the student must meet with the department chairperson upon re-entering into the program to determine which catalog to follow. “Catalog” refers specifically to degree requirements in this section. Degree requirements for all students, regardless of date of enrollment in their curricula, may be subject to change prior to the publication of a new catalog when the implementation of curricular changes is necessary to maintain quality programs. The designated catalog for graduation must be approved by the departmental chairperson if different from the one in effect when a student entered the curriculum or the catalog in effect at the time of graduation. Students entering a curriculum in the summer are expected to follow the catalog for the next academic year. A Tennessee public community college student may select the Tennessee Tech Catalog effective at the time he or she enters the community college if that student enrolls at Tennessee Tech within six years and continues in the major chosen while in community college.
Credit which was earned earlier than ten years prior to the proposed date of graduation will be subject to review and approval by the academic department of the student’s major.
Filing of application for Graduation: All candidates for an undergraduate degree must file an application for graduation no later than the deadlines provided:
For students planning to graduate in the spring semester, the graduation application must be filed no later than September 1 of the previous year.
For students planning to graduate in the summer semester, the graduation application must be filed no later than February 1 of that year.
For students planning to graduate in the fall semester, the graduation application must be filed no later than June 1 of that year.
Completion of requirements policy: With the exception of grades for courses taken at another institution during the student’s final semester before graduation (“transfer grades”), all requirements for graduation, including but limited to substitution forms, grade changes, and requests for exception, must be received by the Registrar’s Office (Jere Whitson 221) no later than two (2) days prior to graduation date. In addition, all transcripts related to transfer work must be received by the Registrar’s Office no later than two (2) weeks after the graduation date. The receipt of such transcripts more than two (2) weeks after the graduation date will result in the student’s graduation occurring at the end of the next semester.
Tennessee Tech may make reasonable academic adjustments to degree requirements for qualified students with disabilities, as determined by joint agreement of the Accessible Education Center and the Office of Enrollment Management and Career Placement. Students with a disability requiring academic adjustments and accommodations must contact the Accessible Education Center.
Students may be required to take one or more tests designed to measure general education achievement and achievement in major areas as a prerequisite to graduation, for the purpose of evaluation of academic programs. Students should sign up as indicated. Unless otherwise provided for any individual program no minimum score or level of achievement is required for graduation. Participation in testing may be required of all students in selected programs, and of students selected on a sample basis.