- Admissions
- Admission to Freshman Standing
- Application Procedure for Freshmen
- Advanced Placement with Credit
- International Baccalaureate
- Admission by Examination (GED/HiSET Applicants)
- Pre-Freshman Programs (Dual/Joint Enrollment)
- Admission as a Transfer Student
- Application Procedures for Transfer Students
- Readmission of Former Students
- Admission as a Special Undergraduate Student
- Admission for Second Bachelor Degree or Teacher Certification
- Admission as a Transient Student
- Admission to Class as an Auditor
- Health Requirements
- Residence Classification
- Admission of International Students: Undergraduate Study
- Requirements for International Students on Arrival at TTU
- Study Abroad
- Admission to the Graduate School
- Transfer of Credit
The admission policies and practices of the University are intended to assist students of varied backgrounds including but not limited to race, religion, color, creed, sex, and disabling conditions to gain admission to the University. The University actively seeks students of diversity due to a lack of critical mass of these unrepresented groups and encourages them to apply for admission and to inquire about programs. The admission standards are designed to assure students the best possibility of success at the University.
Prompt attention is given to each application but final action is not possible until all credentials are on file with the University. Students are encouraged to apply early (up to one year before the beginning of the desired term). Gaining admission early contributes to better orientation, course planning, course scheduling and financial aid and scholarship consideration. The application deadline date for receipt of the admission application, test scores (for freshman applicants), appropriate transcripts, and other required materials is August 1 for fall entry, December 1 for spring entry, and May 1 for summer entry. Students who wish to be considered for scholarships must apply for scholarships by December 15 of the year prior to their fall semester enrollment.
Upon admission, a student must complete health requirements prior to registering for courses.
The University reserves the right to modify admission policies and procedures as needed to ensure that enrollment does not exceed the facilities available.
Correspondence regarding admission should be addressed to the Office of Admissions, Campus Box 5006, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee 38505. The website for Admissions is The e-mail address is