A student may repeat a course which was previously taken and received a final grade of C or lower. Students are permitted to repeat a course in which a grade of B or higher was earned only with the approval of the Dean and Chair of the student’s major. Completed forms should be submitted electronically to the Registrar’s Office at registrar@tntech.edu, or in-person to Jere Whitson Building, Room 221.
Courses may be repeated with only the first attempt being replaced by the second attempt. Any successive attempts will count in the cumulative grade point average with the last attempt standing as the grade in the course and only the last attempt for that course fulfilling the graduation requirement. Courses used to complete the graduation requirement must have a passing grade. This means that one may have credit for a course only one time in the calculated earned hours which apply toward the degree.
Transfer students applying for admission into the University will have their quality point averages recomputed with regard to repeats; their admission and standing will be subject to the revised average.
All grades received for a course will remain on a student’s transcript. A notation is added to indicate that the course has been repeated. The information showing the grade received when the course was repeated is given in the report for the semester during which the course was repeated.
Students may not repeat a course in which they have previously received the grade of “I” (Incomplete). Students must make arrangements with the professor who assigned the incomplete to finish the course during the academic year following the “I” grade.
Students receiving Veterans Educational Assistance benefits may not receive benefits for courses previously passed unless a higher minimum grade is required in the degree program.