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Declaring a Major Each student entering Tennessee Tech will select a major subject or field of interest. He or she is expected to complete the curriculum for the major subject and degree chosen, as outlined under the department in which the major is offered, following the requirements in the University catalog effective at the time he or she enters the chosen curriculum. A student who transfers to another institution and later returns to Tennessee Tech will follow the catalog in effect when he/she returns to the University.

Non-Degree Seeking Students Students who do not wish to earn a degree from TTU but who only register for classes on a class-by-class basis, will not have a designated major. These students may not be eligible for Federal Financial Aid.

Special Considerations for Nursing Majors The School of Nursing offers one major, nursing, which leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The nursing major is also known as the Upper Division Professional Nursing (NURS) program. Students must be admitted to the NURS major, and as such cannot declare this major without applying and being admitted. Lower-Level Nursing refers to the first three semesters of the nursing curriculum. Lower-level Nursing is a Career Track for students who wish to gain admission to the NURS program. Students who intend to apply for the NURS program are encouraged to declare a major in Interdisciplinary Studies. Those students would either complete the degree in Interdisciplinary studies or change their major to nursing upon acceptance into the NURS program.

Second Major A student may qualify for an additional major or majors by the completion of all prescribed requirements in the specified additional curriculum or curricula.

Changing a Major The major/minor/concentration/program may be changed by meeting with the new department of the major s/he wishes to declare. The change is initiated by the new department in Eagle Online, which both the student and former advisor will acknowledge. From there, the Change of Major is automated through the Office of the Registrar. For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar at or at 931.372.3317. 

Declaring a Career Track Students may declare a Career Track by meeting with the appropriate Career Track advisor.