Final examinations are held in all subjects at the close of each semester. Early examinations are not permitted.
The term grade is derived from a combination of the class grades, test scores, and examination grades, including the final examination grade, which reflect the student’s total performance over the entire semester. The courses (and grades) in which each student has been enrolled appear on the University record of the student. Transcripts of these records are available. Students may view or print a grade report from Eagle Online.
Special arrangements will be made by instructors to allow students with disabling conditions to demonstrate their knowledge and/or competency on final examinations.
Quality points. Quality points are assigned to each semester hour credit as follows:
For a grade of A, 4 quality points
For a grade of B, 3 quality points
For a grade of C, 2 quality points
For a grade of D, 1 quality point
For grades of F, IF, X, U, and NF, no quality points.
For grades of I, W, SP, NP, P, EXC, CU, and AU, are not calculated in the Grade Point Average.
Quality Point Average. The quality point average for the semester is determined by dividing the total quality points earned by the total semester hours attempted. The cumulative quality point average is determined by dividing the total quality points for all semesters by the cumulative hours (total hours minus first repeats). Non-credit, remedial, developmental, exchange program, and courses taken for audit and co-op are disregarded in computing the college level quality point average for graduation.
When a course is repeated, only the credits for the last time the course was attempted are counted toward graduation. In computing the cumulative quality point average for graduation, the original grade is voided. Credits attempted with a grade of “W” are disregarded, but credits attempted with grades of U, X, NF and IF (incomplete calculated as F) are counted.
Grade of I (Incomplete). An “I” is assigned when a student’s performance has been satisfactory, but for reasons beyond the student’s control, he/she has not been able to complete the course requirements within the allotted time as determined by the instructor. Students are not required to register for the courses again. The faculty member files a form in the departmental office outlining the requirements necessary to satisfactorily complete the course at the time final grades are filed. A student has one calendar year or until the time of graduation, whichever comes first, to remove the “I” during which time the “I” is excluded from the calculation of the student’s QPA. If the “I” is not removed within the above time limitations, it remains on the student’s record permanently and is treated as an “F” in calculating the student’s QPA. The “I” grade will appear as an “IF” on the transcript when calculated as an “F” grade.
Midterm Grades. The University recognizes that early warnings are beneficial for students having difficulty in a course. We commend those faculty members who encourage individual or group help sessions and recommend tutorial laboratories. We recommend that faculty members structure and clearly define the grading system so that students may determine by mid-term their level of performance. We further recommend that faculty members, whenever possible, contact students at mid-term who are performing poorly and offer assistance and suggestions for improvement. One component of the University’s efforts to improve retention involves the implementation of a policy whereby all students having completed fewer than 30 hours of credit will receive a “Midterm Grade” for the courses in which they are currently enrolled, which can be viewed online by the student’s advisor. A general outline of the proposed procedure is shown below.
Instructors will indicate whether the student’s progress at Midterm was satisfactory (A, B, or C) or unsatisfactory (D or F). It is assumed that each instructor will be readily able to assess whether or not a student’s progress was satisfactory. It is also assumed that faculty advisors will make efforts to use this information to assist the student. Midterm grades or lack thereof may not be used as an issue in a grade appeal.
For more specific instructions or information concerning midterm grading, please contact the Office of the Registrar, located in Jere Whitson Building, Room 221.