Congratulations and welcome to Tennessee Tech. You will learn to be bold, fearless, and confident as you make the transformative journey through your college career. Here, you will be able to take your individual set of talents and goals and find out how Tech can best guide you as you create your individual success story.
Your journey will be tailored to you, and dedicated faculty, staff and administrators will support you. Plus, students and graduates often say they connected to a genuine student community.
No matter what you choose as a major and a career, our goal is for you to graduate with the ability to use technology to its fullest and to collaborate with people from other disciplines and diverse backgrounds. TTU is graduating students in record numbers as one of the most affordable, accessible institutions in the country producing career-ready graduates.
Your success is the focus of our Vision Statement:
Tennessee Tech will achieve national prominence and impact through its engaged students, dedicated faculty, and career-ready graduates known for their creativity, tenacity, and analytical approach to problem solving.
We are ready to help you reach your goals and to have a memorable experience. I am glad you chose to become a Golden Eagle.
Philip B. Oldham