ISE-MIN - Industrial and Systems Engineering Minor
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Industrial and Systems Engineering Minor
Minor in Industrial and Systems Engineering Minor (ISE)
Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) Minor consists of 16 credit hours of coursework (13 hrs. of core courses and 3 hrs. of technical electives).
Technical Elective (choose 3 credits from the following): ENGR 4510 - Engineering Management (3 cr. hrs.) ENGR 4993 - Special Problems (3 cr. hrs.)—must be approved by ISE minor coordinator ME 4450 (5450) - Design for Manufacturability (3 cr. hrs.)
Note: MATH 3470 Introductory Probability and Statistics (3 cr. hrs.) may be taken instead of ENGR 3720 (2 cr. hrs.). In this case, the minor will total to 17 cr. hrs.
Complete ALL of the following Courses: