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HON-MIN - Honors Minor

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Honors Minor



Minor in Honors (HON)

The Honors Minor will require 22 credit hours, consistent with current Honors credit requirements:

  • Honors 1010: Introduction to Honors (1 cr.)

  • 15 credit hours distributed across at least three disciplines, selected from the following:

  • Honors sections of courses in the disciplines

  • Honors recitations or seminars in the disciplines

  • Honors Contracts (as arranged by proposal in non-Honors course sections)

  • Honors Experiential Learning (as arranged by proposal for study abroad, faculty-mentored research, internships, or civic engagement leadership)

  • HON 2000-level offerings

· 6 credit hours from the following:

  • A minimum of one Honors Colloquium (3 credits), except in cases of pre-approved substitution with another option in this section due to the priority of fulfilling major requirements.

  • Distinction in the Major for Chemical Engineering students

  • Other Honors Upper Division in the Major options

  • Honors Directed Studies

  • Honors Thesis Option

  • Courses taken for graduate-level credit in the student’s major field


The Honors minor will be available only to students who have been admitted to the Tech Honors Program. The student must remain actively involved in fulfilling Honors credit requirements as described in the By-Laws, and must maintain a GPA of 3.1 in courses taken as a student at Tennessee Tech in order to be eligible for the minor.