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ENS-MIN - Environmental Studies Minor

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Program Long Title

Environmental Studies Minor


Arts and Sciences



Minor in Environmental Studies (ENS)

A minor in Environmental Studies will consist of at least 15 hours of coursework, with a minimum of 6 upper division hours, including the following:

(a) HIST 2900 Environmental History;

(b) One of the following: SOC 3600 - Environmental Sociology or AGBE 4120 (5120) ;

(c) 9 additional semester hours chosen from the course list below, including at least: one course at the 3000- 4000 level and two of the following areas of study:

Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, and Sociology (note: WFS is considered to be Biology). AGET 3110 - Natural Resource Systems Credit: 2. AGRN 1100 - Plant Science Credit: 3. AGRN 1110 - Plant Science Laboratory Credit: 1. AGRN 3230 - Environmental Soil Science Credit: 4. AGRN 4220 (5220) - Environmental Soil Chemistry Credit: 3. AGRN 4230 (5230) - Soil Classification Credit: 3. BIOL 3120 - General Ecology Credit: 3. or BIOL 3130 - General Ecology Credit: 4. or WFS 3130 - General Ecology Credit: 4. BIOL 4130 (5130) - Environmental Microbiology Credit: 3. BIOL 4610 (5610) - Invertebrate Zoology Credit: 3. BIOL 4840 (5840) - Limnology Credit: 3. ESS 3710 - Chemistry and the Environment Credit: 3. CHEM 4710 (5710) - Environmental Chemistry Credit: 3. ENGL 4931 (5931) - Literature and the Environment Credit: 3. GEOG 1010 - Weather and Climate Credit: 3. GEOG 3330 - Meteorology Credit: 4. GEOL 4100 - Environmental Sedimentology Credit: 4. GEOL 4150 (5150) - Geomorphology Credit: 4. GEOL 4410 (5410) - Remote Sensing Credit: 3. GEOL 4650 (5650) - Applied Geochemistry Credit: 3. GEOL 4711 (5711) - Hydrogeology Credit: 4. SOC 3600 - Environmental Sociology Credit: 3. WFS 4500 (5500) - National Wildlife Policy Credit: 3


Students wishing to minor in Environmental Studies must fulfill their general education science requirement by taking any two of the following courses: BIOL 1010 - Introduction to Biology Credit: 4. BIOL 1020 - Diversity of Life Credit: 4. BIOL 1123 - General Biology II Credit: 4. BIOL 2310 - General Botany Credit: 4. CHEM 1010 - Introductory Chemistry I Credit: 4. CHEM 1020 - Introductory Chemistry II Credit: 4. CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry I Credit: 4. CHEM 1120 - General Chemistry II Credit: 4. GEOL 1040 - Physical Geology Credit: 4. GEOL 1045 - Earth Environment, Resources and Society Credit: 4.


Except for Biology majors, students who did not take BIOL 1010-BIOL 1020 under “Preparation” must take BIOL 3120 or BIOL 3130/WFS 3130 as part of the “9 additional hours.”